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Banned Books 2023: Banned Book FAQ's

A guide to ALA's Banned Book Week for 2023.

Banned Book Week

Read A Banned Book graphic

Banned Book Week

What is Banned Book Week?

“Banned Books Week celebrates the freedom to read and spotlights current and historical attempts to censor books in libraries and schools.” 
“Highlighting the value of free and open access to information, Banned Books Week brings together the entire book community in shared support of the freedom to seek, to publish, to read, and to express ideas.”

-American Library Association

Banned Book Week

Why Is Banning Books an Issue?

Banning books is censorship, which is a violation of our First Amendment right to free speech. Everyone should be able to access books, no matter if someone else agrees with the content or not.

Banned Book Week

Does Davis Library Ban Books?

No! We take pride in not banning books. Even though some books are considered banned elsewhere, they are not banned in our collection.

Banned Book Week

What Is A Banned Book?

A banned book is a book that has been challenged by someone and has been removed so no one can access it in a school, library, or bookstore.

Banned Book Week

What Can I Do To Stop It?

Challenge censorship by reporting it to the ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom, request books or other library items to be added to the library's collection, and encourage others to join in the fight to stop the banning of books. To report censorship, please visit Challenge Reporting | Tools, Publications & Resources (

Banned Book Week

Banned Book Stack graphic

Banned Book Week

Why Would Someone Ban A Book?

The ALA says that books are usually challenged "to protect others, frequently children, from difficult ideas and information.” People who attempt to ban books often do so because they don't agree with the book's contents.

Banned Book Week

To Read or Not To Read?

Don’t let anyone else tell you what you can and cannot read. You have the power to make your own choices and stand up against censorship. 

“When we ban books, we're closing off readers to people, places, and perspectives. But when we stand up for stories, we unleash the power that lies inside every book. We liberate the array of voices that need to be heard and the scenes that need to be seen.”

-American Library Association